
Osce questions

  PREFINAL EXAMINATIONS-OSCE QUESTIONS  What value is measured for prognosis of Dengue?  Hematocrit volume of red blood cells compared to the total blood volume How do you measure hematocrit?  Blood sample is centrifuged - 3layers are formed plasma, buffy coat, packed red cells How do you measure hypovolemia by blood pressure cuff?  Ortho static hypotension fall in blood pressure reduction in systolic blood pressure of at least 20 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of 10 mmHg What is the role of measurement of daily input and output?  One of the complications of dengue is dehydration which, if not carefully monitored and treated, may lead to shock, particularly in those with dengue haemorrhagic fever Mangement of dengue There are no definitive curative medications for dengue; management is supportive. Judicious fluid resuscitation during the critical phase of dengue is the cornerstone of management. Crystalloids are the initial fluid of choice. Prophylactic platelet transfusion is not re

A 25yr old female

A 25 yr old female housewife by occupation  resident of nalgonda came to general medicine OPD with  Chief complaints:- Body pains since 6 days Fever since 3 days History of presenting illness:- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 days back then she started developing body pains  insidious in onset ,gradually progressive, dragging type symmetrical in nature small joints are involved more not associated with swelling local rise of temperature and redness,aggregated vated during fever no relieving factors  Fever since 3 days sudden in onset continues in nature high grade associated with chills and rigors relieving on medication no aggravating factors Headache since 3 days during fever dragging type relived on medication and rest History of Vomitings 4 days back projectile type non bilious 3-4 episodes  History of watery loose stools 4 days back 3-4 episodes  History of petechial rash on left fore arm one day of admission after applying Bp cuff  No history of cough,night sweats, abdomina

2nd Internal examination


Internal examination
