
Showing posts from June, 2023

A 22yr old female

A 22 yr old female farmer by  occupation  came  to the opd with  Fever since  10 days Head ache since 7  days  Unable to pass the urine since  2 days  .  History of presenting illness:  Patient was apparently asymptomatic  10 days And developed  Gradual onset High fever with  chills and rigor continuous  associated with  nausea , relieved on medication  she had c/o Headache , diffuse in  region , occipital region predominantly, Gradual  in onset , dragging type , radiating to neck ,  Aggravated on talking , rotating the head ,  relieved on medication   c/o urinary retention ( acute )  for 2 days   Able to feel the fullness of bladder , not able to  pass urine , relieved after passing foleys  Had Weakness of lower limbs for 4 days .  Spontaneously resolved .  - patient was not able to walk on her own durin...
A 47Y/M driver by occupation, resident of lingotam came to casualty on 18/6/23 with chief complaints of Loss of consciousness since early morning 5am; Burning micturition since 3 days; History of presenting illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back when he became unconscious and was brought to casualty (Grbs 35mg/dl) and was treated for hypoglycemia and he became responsive. C/o of burning micturition since 3 days H/o similar complaints  1 week ago . Patient came to casuality with hypoglycemic episode ( was not willing for admission at that time) . C/o fever,vomitings, loose stools  No C/o sob, chest pain, palpitation, orthopnea, PND No c/o pedal edema , facial puffiness, decreased urine output. Past history: Patient is k/c/o Diabetic Mellitus-II since 10 years on regular medication. Patient had  bilateral Cataract surgery 9 years back. Family history: Not significant Personal history: Appetite - Decreased since hospitilization Burning Micturation is presen...

42yr old male with swelling of lower limbs

A 42yr old male resident of chityala electrician by occupation presented to the Opd with chief complaints of  Swelling of the lower limb upto ankle since 5 days. Shortness of breath since 4 days. Numbness and tingling sensation of limbs with associated weakness since 4 days. History of presenting illness : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back when he developed generalised anasarca sudden in onset and gradually progressive in nature for 5 days, for which he went to a tertiary care hospital and was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease with associated hypertension( serum creatinine was around 5mg/dl) for which he was on medication for 6 months. On subsidence of the symptoms he stopped the medication. On 1/6/23 he came to the opd with complaints of lower limb edema upto ankle since 5 days with associated shortness of breath ( grade 4 according to NYHA Classification)for  4 days, which was insidious in onset, gradually progressive in nature. Tingling and numbnes...

53yr male with swelling of face

 A 53-year-old male, a Hotel owner and chief by occupation, The patient presented to the hospital with chief complaints of Swelling of both Legs since 10 days Swelling of face since 7 days HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS   The patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago.In the first week of June he had a binge of alcohol on occasion of local festival. Later he observed abdominal distension, followed by Bilateral Pedal odema which is pitting type extending up to the knee, insidious in gradually progressive , since one week . Patient has decreased urine output since 5 days not associated with burning micturation  yellowish discolouration of urine  No c/o - Chest pain, Palpitations , Shortness of breath ,Orthopnea, PND No c/o - Fever , Vomitings , loose stools. PAST HISTORY Not K/N/C- Hypertension, Epilepsy, Thyroid disorders. PERSONAL HISTORY Mixed diet, decreased appetite,constipation  decreased urinary frequency. K/C/O - Chronic Alcoholic since 20 yrs , every ...