A 22yr old female

A 22 yr old female farmer by occupation came to the opd with Fever since 10 days Head ache since 7 days Unable to pass the urine since 2 days . History of presenting illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days And developed Gradual onset High fever with chills and rigor continuous associated with nausea , relieved on medication she had c/o Headache , diffuse in region , occipital region predominantly, Gradual in onset , dragging type , radiating to neck , Aggravated on talking , rotating the head , relieved on medication c/o urinary retention ( acute ) for 2 days Able to feel the fullness of bladder , not able to pass urine , relieved after passing foleys Had Weakness of lower limbs for 4 days . Spontaneously resolved . - patient was not able to walk on her own durin...