Viral pyrexia

Date of admission 07-09-2001

 A 40yr old female presented to the Opd with chief complaints of

Fever since Sunday  afternoon low grade intermittent not associated with chills and rigors on exertion cough

Generalized weakness for a day

Nausea since 3 days 

Loose stools for a day

Decreased food intake since 3 days

History of presenting illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back on Sunday afternoon she developed low grade fever associated with Generalized weakness went for consultation to local hospital on Monday investigation revealed hypotension and started on iv fluids and discharged
She had Nausea which caused decreased food intake 
History of loose stools for 4-5 episodes watery foul smelling non mucoid non bloody not associated with abdominal pain
Cough since 4 days productive whitish scanty
No myalgia joint pain retro orbital pain chest pain bleeding and burning micturition 

Past history

no blood transfusion 
Surgery history 
Total abdominal hysterectomy for fibroids before 10 years

Personal history 

Diet mixed
Decreased food intake 
Normal bowel and bladder movements
No addictions
Dust allergy 

Family history 

Not significant 

General examination 

No Pallor icterus cyanosis clubbing lymphadenopathy edema

Systemic examination 

CVS - S1, S2 heard

RS - BAE present

Abdomen - scaphoid normal hernial orifices

CNS - conscious normal speech 
Cranial nerves intact 



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